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A map shows the following sections of North America: Arctic, Subarctic, Northwest Coast, California, Plateau, Great Basin, Southwest, Plains, Northeast, Southeast.
A map of the world shows the flow of goods, animals, and diseases between North America, South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia.

Narratives – Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

176 items

A map shows the following sections of North America: Arctic, Subarctic, Northwest Coast, California, Plateau, Great Basin, Southwest, Plains, Northeast, Southeast.
Native People
Essay - 2020 Words


2020 Words

How did natives interact with each other before European contact?
First Contacts
Essay - 2016 Words


2016 Words

How did the "clash of cultures" impact natives and Europeans?
A map of the world shows the flow of goods, animals, and diseases between North America, South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia.
Columbian Exchange
Essay - 1890 Words


1890 Words

What were the causes of the Columbian Exchange?
Hernando de Soto
Essay - 2167 Words


2167 Words

Why did Hernando de Soto explore Florida for Spain?
A map shows the city of Tenochtitlán. The rendering depicts waterways, sophisticated buildings, ships, and flags. Numerous causeways connect the central city to the surrounding land.
Life in the Spanish Colonies
Essay - 2235 Words


2235 Words

How did the Spanish and New World natives interact?
Origins of the Slave Trade
Essay - 2178 Words


2178 Words

Why did Africa and Europe engage in the slave trade?
Henry Hudson and Exploration
Essay - 2236 Words


2236 Words

Why did Henry Hudson want to find the Northwest Passage?
The English Come to America
Essay - 2721 Words


2721 Words

How did the English colonies in America develop over time?
The Anglo-Powhatan War of 1622
Essay - 2470 Words


2470 Words

What caused war between the English and Powhatan people?
An image shows the execution of Charles the first. Crowds of people surround the stage where he is being executed.
The Founding of Maryland
Essay - 2682 Words


2682 Words

Why did Maryland become a haven of religious freedom?
Anne Hutchinson and Religious Dissent
Essay - 2415 Words


2415 Words

How did Anne Hutchinson contribute to religious liberty?
The first map depicting Philadelphia as a grid of streets and squares is shown.
William Penn and the Founding of Pennsylvania
Essay - 1871 Words


1871 Words

How did William Penn treat others with justice and equality?
The Fur Trade
Essay - 1788 Words


1788 Words

How did the fur trade shape North American societies?
Bacon’s Rebellion
Essay - 2841 Words


2841 Words

How did Bacon's Rebellion affect Virginian society in the 1600s?
The Salem Witch Trials
Essay - 2270 Words


2270 Words

What fueled the hysteria of the Salem Witch Trials?
An image shows a slave tied to a post with settlers surrounding him.
The Stono Rebellion
Essay - 1962 Words


1962 Words

What caused the largest slave revolt in British North America?
The Great Awakening
Essay - 2596 Words


2596 Words

What were the impacts of the Great Awakening on the colonies?
Benjamin Franklin and the American Enlightenment
Essay - 1883 Words


1883 Words

How did Benjamin Franklin contribute to his community?
A political cartoon of a cut-up snake is shown. Each part is labeled with a letter representing the colonies.
Albany Plan of Union
Essay - 1964 Words


1964 Words

How did the Albany Plan of Union create colonial unity?
A Clash of Empires: The French and Indian War
Essay - 2272 Words


2272 Words

What were the causes and effects of the French and Indian War?
Wolfe at Quebec and the Peace of 1763
Essay - 2200 Words


2200 Words

How did the British win the French and Indian War?
Pontiac’s Rebellion
Essay - 2930 Words


2930 Words

How did Native Americans fight back against colonist expansion?
Stamp Act Resistance
Essay - 2648 Words


2648 Words

Why did American colonists resist British taxes?
The Boston Massacre
Essay - 2367 Words


2367 Words

How did the Boston Massacre impact the American colonies?
The Boston Tea Party
Essay - 2731 Words


2731 Words

What does "no taxation without representation" mean?
Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of Independence
Essay - 3472 Words


3472 Words

Why did the colonists declare independence from Britain?
Washington Crossing the Delaware
Essay - 2271 Words


2271 Words

Why is Washington's crossing of the Delaware River so famous?
The Battle of Saratoga and the French Alliance
Essay - 2051 Words


2051 Words

How did the American colonies win an alliance with France?
Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom
Essay - 2869 Words


2869 Words

How do religious freedom and religious tolerance differ?
A woodcut depicts Daniel Shays and Job Shattuck, who wears the uniform of an officer of the Continental Army. He holds a sword.
Shays’ Rebellion
Essay - 3013 Words


3013 Words

How did Shays' Rebellion impact U.S. politics and government?
The Constitutional Convention (LLPH)
Essay - 3622 Words


3622 Words

What compromises were made at the Constitutional Convention?
The Ratification Debate on the Constitution
Essay - 3192 Words


3192 Words

Why were some Americans opposed to the Constitution?
Mercy Otis Warren
Essay - 2261 Words


2261 Words

How did Mercy Otis Warren contribute to the Revolution?
A photograph of a bank building.
Alexander Hamilton and the National Bank
Essay - 2382 Words


2382 Words

Why did Hamilton want the U.S. to have a national bank?
A portrait of James Madison.
James Madison and the Bill of Rights
Essay - 2533 Words


2533 Words

Why is Madison called the "Father of the Constitution"?
Benjamin Franklin and the First Abolitionist Petitions
Essay - 2197 Words


2197 Words

How did Benjamin Franklin fight for the abolition of slavery?
Eli Whitney and the Cotton Gin
Essay - 1968 Words


1968 Words

How did the cotton gin impact slavery in the U.S.?
The Battle of Fallen Timbers
Essay - 2857 Words


2857 Words

Why did the U.S. and Native Americans fight in the 1790s?
The Jay Treaty
Essay - 2225 Words


2225 Words

How did Britain violate U.S. rights in the late 18th century?
The XYZ Affair and the Quasi-War with France
Essay - 2052 Words


2052 Words

Explore what the Quasi-War was and its impact on the U.S.
A cartoon depicting a fight between two people, while surrounding people watch.
The Alien and Sedition Acts
Essay - 2501 Words


2501 Words

Did the Alien and Sedition Acts violate the First Amendment?
The Lewis and Clark Expedition
Essay - 2197 Words


2197 Words

What events sparked the Lewis and Clark Expedition?
Fort McHenry and the War of 1812
Essay - 2194 Words


2194 Words

How did Americans stop the British at Fort McHenry?
Old Hickory: Andrew Jackson and the Battle of New Orleans
Essay - 2265 Words


2265 Words

How did the U.S. victory at New Orleans impact the War of 1812?
Tecumseh and the Prophet
Essay - 2391 Words


2391 Words

How did Tecumseh and the Prophet resist U.S. expansion?
The Corrupt Bargain
Essay - 2436 Words


2436 Words

Explores the "Corrupt Bargain" and its impact on U.S. politics.
Mountain Men
Essay - 1786 Words


1786 Words

What was the role of mountain men in U.S. westward expansion?
The Building of the Erie Canal
Essay - 2234 Words


2234 Words

What was the impact of the Erie Canal on U.S. trade?
Washington Irving
Essay - 2442 Words


2442 Words

Explores the societal impact of Washington Irving's literature.
Portrait of Robert Hayne.
The Nullification Crisis
Essay - 2939 Words


2939 Words

Explores the nullification crisis and its resolution.
The Mormon Trail
Essay - 2555 Words


2555 Words

What impact did Mormonism have on westward expansion?
The Trail of Tears
Essay - 2772 Words


2772 Words

What was the U.S. policy toward American Indians?
William Lloyd Garrison’s War against Slavery
Essay - 2160 Words


2160 Words

How did William Lloyd Garrison fight to end slavery?
Image of slaves attacking men, women, and children (top), while the bottom panel shows armed men on horseback chasing the slaves away.
Nat Turner’s Rebellion
Essay - 2860 Words


2860 Words

How did Nat Turner's Rebellion impact U.S. society?
Sam Houston and Texas Independence
Essay - 2698 Words


2698 Words

Explores how Texas became part of the United States.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the Struggle for Women’s Suffrage
Essay - 2406 Words


2406 Words

How did Elizabeth Cady Stanton help win female suffrage?
The Lowell Girls
Essay - 2639 Words


2639 Words

Explores women's experiences in early industrial jobs.
John Quincy Adams and the Amistad
Essay - 2007 Words


2007 Words

How did John Quincy Adams fight for justice in the Amistad case?
Frederick Douglass’s Path to Freedom
Essay - 2143 Words


2143 Words

Explores Frederick Douglass' escape from slavery.
The American Southwest: Tucson in Transition
Essay - 2715 Words


2715 Words

Explores the unique culture and history of Tucson.
The Free Soil Party
Essay - 2377 Words


2377 Words

What antislavery parties existed in the 19th century?
The 49ers
Essay - 2237 Words


2237 Words

Explores the history of the gold rushes in California.
Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad
Essay - 1572 Words


1572 Words

Investigates Harriet Tubman's role in the fight to end slavery.
Thomas Sims and the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850
Essay - 2768 Words


2768 Words

How did the Fugitive Slave Act galvanize abolitionism in Boston?
Harriet Beecher Stowe and Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Essay - 2508 Words


2508 Words

Investigates Harriet Stowe's contributions to abolitionism.
Painting of a harbor, showing soldiers lined up and others in a group to the left, with ships and boats in the water.
Commodore Perry and the Opening of Japan
Essay - 2383 Words


2383 Words

Why did the U.S. want to open trade with Japan?
Nativist Riots and the Know-Nothing Party
Essay - 2339 Words


2339 Words

How did immigration lead to nativist backlash in America?
Kansas-Nebraska Act and Bleeding Kansas
Essay - 2457 Words


2457 Words

Explores the Kansas-Nebraska Act and sectionalism.
Charles Sumner and Preston Brooks
Essay - 2468 Words


2468 Words

Explores the caning of Charles Sumner on the Senate floor.
John Brown and Harpers Ferry
Essay - 2645 Words


2645 Words

Was John Brown a righteous crusader or violent radical?
The Election of 1860
Essay - 2570 Words


2570 Words

How did the election of 1860 lead to the Civil War?
Fort Sumter and the Coming of the War
Essay - 2710 Words


2710 Words

Why was Fort Sumter the beginning of the Civil War?
The Battle of Antietam
Essay - 2523 Words


2523 Words

What was the impact of the battle of Antietam on the Civil War?
Gettysburg and Vicksburg: July 4, 1863
Essay - 2650 Words


2650 Words

Explore the impact of the Vicksburg and Gettysburg battles.
The cartoon shows policemen beating civilians with clubs. The civilian men also hold weapons. Several civilian men lie on the ground.
The Draft and the Draft Riots of 1863
Essay - 2400 Words


2400 Words

Why were some opposed to a draft during the Civil War?
Robert Gould Shaw and the Fifty-fourth Massachusetts Regiment
Essay - 1937 Words


1937 Words

Explores the life and bravery of Robert Gould Shaw.
The photograph shows Rose Greenhow with her arm around her daughter.
Women during the Civil War
Essay - 2566 Words


2566 Words

How did women contribute to the war efforts on both sides?
Mary Chesnut’s War
Essay - 2184 Words


2184 Words

Explores the story of Mary Chesnut and her Civil War diary.
Clement Vallandigham and Constitutionalism
Essay - 2567 Words


2567 Words

Were Clement Vallandigham's free speech rights violated?
William Tecumseh Sherman and Total War
Essay - 2403 Words


2403 Words

Was Sherman's policy of "total war" justified?
O. O. Howard and the Freedmen’s Bureau
Essay - 1957 Words


1957 Words

How did O.O. Howard fight for the rights of recently freed slaves?
The Ku Klux Klan and Violence at the Polls
Essay - 2499 Words


2499 Words

How did the KKK suppress black rights in the 1860s and 1870s?
The Transcontinental Railroad
Essay - 2622 Words


2622 Words

What were the societal impact of the transcontinental railroad?
The Brooklyn Bridge
Essay - 2146 Words


2146 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the causes and effects of the settlement of the West from 1877 to 1898.
George Custer, Sitting Bull, and the Battle of the Little Bighorn
Essay - 3156 Words


3156 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the causes and effects of the settlement of the West from 1877 to 1898.
William “Boss” Tweed and Political Machines
Essay - 2160 Words


2160 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the similarities and differences between the political parties during the Gilded Age.
Andrew Carnegie and the Creation of U.S. Steel
Essay - 2348 Words


2348 Words

Explore how Carnegie became one of the richest men in the U.S.
Cowboys and Cattle Drives
Essay - 2795 Words


2795 Words

Why do Americans romanticize the image of cowboys?
Photograph of Ida B. Wells.
Ida B. Wells and the Campaign against Lynching
Essay - 1848 Words


1848 Words

How did Ida Wells fight for justice for African Americans?
The photograph shows marines lined up in a clearing surrounded by palm trees.
The Annexation of Hawaii
Essay - 2523 Words


2523 Words

Was the annexation of Hawaii an act of imperialism?
Jane Addams, Hull House, and Immigration
Essay - 2404 Words


2404 Words

How did Jane Addams help immigrants in the U.S.?
Ignatius Donnelly and the 1892 Populist Platform
Essay - 2871 Words


2871 Words

What sparked the rise of the Populist movement?
A mob of people hold clubs and crowd around a building.
The Homestead Strike
Essay - 2602 Words


2602 Words

Why did unions and management battle each other in the 1890s?
Plessy v. Ferguson
Essay - 2793 Words


2793 Words

How did Plessy v Ferguson affect segregation in the U.S.?
Ida M. Tarbell’s Crusade against Standard Oil
Essay - 2523 Words


2523 Words

Was John Rockefeller a captain of industry or robber baron?
Alice Paul and the Struggle for Women’s Suffrage
Essay - 2705 Words


2705 Words

How did Alice Paul fight for equality of the sexes?
Remember the Maine! Theodore Roosevelt and the Rough Riders
Essay - 2475 Words


2475 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the effects of the Spanish-American War.
Westward Expansion and the Quest to Conserve
Essay - 2547 Words


2547 Words

By the end of this section, you will compare attitudes toward the use of natural resources from 1890 to 1945.
An African American man drinks from a water fountain labeled Colored.
Jim Crow and Progressivism
Essay - 2618 Words


2618 Words

By the end of this section, you will compare the goals and effects of the Progressive reform movement.
The Panama Canal
Essay - 2647 Words


2647 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the similarities and differences in attitudes about the nation's proper role in the world.
Speaker Joseph Cannon Dethroned
Essay - 2281 Words


2281 Words

By the end of this section, you will compare the goals and effects of the Progressive reform movement.
Wilsonian Progressivism
Essay - 2098 Words


2098 Words

By the end of this section, you will compare the goals and effects of the Progressive reform movement.
America Enters World War I
Essay - 2371 Words


2371 Words

Why did the U.S. become involved in World War I?
The Philippine-American War
Essay - 2791 Words


2791 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the effects of the Spanish-American War.
The Great Migration
Essay - 2183 Words


2183 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the causes and effects of international and internal migration patterns over time.
Over There: The U.S. Soldier in World War I
Essay - 2231 Words


2231 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the causes and consequences of U.S. involvement in World War I.
Men in overcoats and hats sit on rows of benches.
The Red Scare and Civil Liberties
Essay - 3059 Words


3059 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the causes and effects of international and internal migration patterns over time.
Postwar Race Riots
Essay - 2399 Words


2399 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the causes and effects of developments in popular culture in the United States over time.
The Spanish Flu of 1919
Essay - 2170 Words


2170 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the causes and effects of international and internal migration patterns over time.
Men sit around a U-shaped table. A group of men sit at a table in the middle and sign some papers. Other men sit around the room and in balconies. Multiple flags are posted at the back of the room.
U.S. Foreign Policy between the Wars
Essay - 2213 Words


2213 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the similarities and differences in attitudes about the nation's proper role in the world.
The Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s
Essay - 2537 Words


2537 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the causes and effects of developments in popular culture in the United States over time.
Henry Ford and Alfred P. Sloan: Industrialization and Competition
Essay - 2393 Words


2393 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the causes and effects of the innovations in communication and technology in the United States over time.
“Silent Cal” Coolidge
Essay - 2498 Words


2498 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the causes and effects of developments in popular culture in the United States over time.
The Scopes Trial
Essay - 2531 Words


2531 Words

Charles Lindbergh and Flight
Essay - 2549 Words


2549 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the causes and effects of the innovations in communication and technology in the United States over time.
The Crash of 1929
Essay - 2169 Words


2169 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the causes of the Great Depression and its effects on the economy.
The Dust Bowl
Essay - 2023 Words


2023 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the causes of the Great Depression and its effects on the economy.
The National Recovery Administration and the Schechter Brothers
Essay - 2694 Words


2694 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain how the Great Depression and the New Deal impacted American political, social, and economic life over time.
R.E. Desvernine, Jouett Schouse, and Earl F. Reed sit side-by-side at a table and hold papers.
New Deal Critics
Essay - 2645 Words


2645 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain how the Great Depression and the New Deal impacted American political, social, and economic life over time.
Labor Upheaval, Industrial Organization, and the Rise of the CIO
Essay - 2376 Words


2376 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain how the Great Depression and the New Deal impacted American political, social, and economic life over time.
Court Packing and Constitutional Revolution
Essay - 2729 Words


2729 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain how the Great Depression and the New Deal impacted American political, social, and economic life over time.
Eleanor Roosevelt and Marian Anderson
Essay - 1922 Words


1922 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain how the Great Depression and the New Deal impacted American political, social, and economic life over time.
Foreign Policy in the 1930s: From Neutrality to Involvement
Essay - 2622 Words


2622 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the similarities and differences in attitudes about the nation's proper role in the world.
Pearl Harbor
Essay - 2162 Words


2162 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the similarities and differences in attitudes about the nation's proper role in the world.
Double V for Victory: The Effort to Integrate the U.S. Military
Essay - 2959 Words


2959 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the causes and effects of the victory of the United States and its allies over the Axis Powers.
Essay - 2083 Words


2083 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the causes and effects of the victory of the United States and its allies over the Axis Powers.
Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima
Essay - 1693 Words


1693 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the causes and effects of the victory of the United States and its allies over the Axis Powers.
The Manhattan Project
Essay - 1848 Words


1848 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the causes and effects of the victory of the United States and its allies over the Axis Powers.
Eleanor Roosevelt and the United Nations
Essay - 2969 Words


2969 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the continuities and changes in Cold War policies from 1945 to 1980.
The G.I. Bill
Essay - 2423 Words


2423 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the causes and effects of the migration of various groups of Americans after 1945
The Berlin Airlift
Essay - 2637 Words


2637 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the continuities and changes in Cold War policies from 1945 to 1980.
The Postwar Red Scare
Essay - 2428 Words


2428 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the causes and effects of the Red Scare after World War II.
Ethel and Julius Rosenberg separated by a wire screen
Cold War Spy Cases
Essay - 2511 Words


2511 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the causes and effects of the Red Scare after World War II.
The Korean War and the Battle of Chosin Reservoir
Essay - 2605 Words


2605 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the continuities and changes in Cold War policies from 1945 to 1980.
Jackie Robinson
Essay - 2308 Words


2308 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain how and why various groups responded to calls for the expansion of civil rights from 1960 to 1980.
The Murder of Emmett Till
Essay - 1960 Words


1960 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain how and why the civil rights movements developed and expanded from 1945 to 1960.
Rosa Parks sits outside. Martin Luther King Jr. sits in the background.
Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., and the Montgomery Bus Boycott
Essay - 2316 Words


2316 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain how and why various groups responded to calls for the expansion of civil rights from 1960 to 1980.
The Little Rock Nine
Essay - 1900 Words


1900 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain how and why the civil rights movements developed and expanded from 1945 to 1960.
The National Highway Act
Essay - 2222 Words


2222 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the causes of economic growth in the years after World War II.
The Nixon-Khrushchev Kitchen Debate
Essay - 1967 Words


1967 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the continuities and changes in Cold War policies from 1945 to 1980.
William F. Buckley Jr. and the Conservative Movement
Essay - 2404 Words


2404 Words

Sputnik and NASA
Essay - 2219 Words


2219 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the causes of economic growth in the years after World War II.
Dr. Benjamin Spock and the Baby Boom
Essay - 2359 Words


2359 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain the causes of economic growth in the years after World War II.
John F. Kennedy’s Inauguration
Essay - 2413 Words


2413 Words

Why is JFK's Inaugural Address so iconic?
Freedom Riders
Essay - 2752 Words


2752 Words

How did the Freedom Riders fight to end segregation?
Rachel Carson and Silent Spring
Essay - 2075 Words


2075 Words

Explores Rachel Carson's impact on environmentalism.
The Cuban Missile Crisis
Essay - 2319 Words


2319 Words

How close was the U.S. to nuclear war in 1962?
The March on Birmingham
Essay - 2444 Words


2444 Words

How did did the March on Birmingham impact the Civil Rights Movement?
Women walk down a city street and hold signs that say Women Demand Equality and GWU Women's Liberation.
Betty Friedan and the Women’s Movement
Essay - 2290 Words


2290 Words

What did the feminist movement of the 1960s work for?
The Vietnam War: Ia Drang Valley
Essay - 2113 Words


2113 Words

What lessons did the U.S. learn after the battle of Ia Drang?
Rows of National Guard soldiers stand in the street and face protesting civilians.
Students and the Anti-War Movement
Essay - 2578 Words


2578 Words

Why were many students opposed to the Vietnam War?
Black Power
Essay - 2570 Words


2570 Words

Explores the impact of the Black Power movement in the 1960s.
The Election of 1968
Essay - 3039 Words


3039 Words

Who ran for president in the 1968 election?
Neil Armstrong and the Moon Landing
Essay - 2656 Words


2656 Words

What caused the Space Race?
Kent State
Essay - 2553 Words


2553 Words

Explores the Kent State Massacre and its impact.
The Birth Control Pill
Essay - 2456 Words


2456 Words

Explores the social changes in America surrounding birth control.
Phyllis Schlafly and the Debate over the Equal Rights Amendment
Essay - 2396 Words


2396 Words

Why did some women oppose the Equal Rights Amendment?
Photograph of the front of Stonewall Inn.
The Gay Liberation Movement
Essay - 2042 Words


2042 Words

How did the social changes of the 20th century affect the gay population?
President Nixon and Premier Zhou Enlai shake hands in front of an airplane staircase. Nixon's wife, Pat, and Chinese leaders look on.
Richard Nixon Opens Diplomatic Relations with China
Essay - 2643 Words


2643 Words

Why did President Nixon visit China during the 1970s?
Richard Nixon and Watergate
Essay - 2949 Words


2949 Words

What events led to the resignation of President Nixon?
American Indian Activism and the Siege of Wounded Knee
Essay - 2489 Words


2489 Words

Explores American Indian activism in the 1970s.
A man holds a gun and a boy holds a sign that reads, Gas Stealers Beware. We're Loaded For Bear.
The 1973 Oil Crisis and Its Economic Consequences
Essay - 2453 Words


2453 Words

What led to the shortage of gasoline in 1973?
The Controversy over Busing
Essay - 2436 Words


2436 Words

How did cities attempt to integrate schools in the 1970s?
César Chávez delivers a speech.
César Chávez, Dolores Huerta, and the United Farm Workers
Essay - 2534 Words


2534 Words

Explores the boycotts and protests of the United Farm Workers.
Jimmy Carter and his wife walk on the street in a parade. Cars follow them. A crowd lines the side of the street.
Jimmy Carter and the “Malaise” Speech
Essay - 2568 Words


2568 Words

How did the "Malaise" speech impact Carter's presidency?
Jimmy Carter and the Iran Hostage Crisis
Essay - 2387 Words


2387 Words

Explores the Iranian Hostage Crisis.
Ronald Reagan stands behind a podium. George H. W. Bush and Tip O'Neill stand behind him and clap. An American flag hangs behind them.
Ronald Reagan and Supply-Side Economics
Essay - 2170 Words


2170 Words

Did supply-side economics end stagflation?
President Ronald Reagan sits at a table between Edmund Muskie and John Tower.
The Iran-Contra Affair
Essay - 2301 Words


2301 Words

Explores the Iran-Contra scandal of Reagan's presidency.
The Space Shuttle Program and the Challenger Disaster
Essay - 2187 Words


2187 Words

Explores the tragic Challenger space shuttle disaster.
Rodney King and the Los Angeles Race Riots
Essay - 2548 Words


2548 Words

What events led to the Watts riots?
The 1992 Presidential Election and the Rise of Democratic Populism
Essay - 2592 Words


2592 Words

Who ran for president in 1992?
Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing
Essay - 2278 Words


2278 Words

What led to the OKC bombing of 1995?
Essay - 2643 Words


2643 Words

What constitutional debates emerged around the PATRIOT Act?
Fossil Fuels, Foreign Policy, and Climate Change
Essay - 2491 Words


2491 Words

What has the impact of fossil fuels been on the U.S.?
“Tear Down This Wall”: Ronald Reagan and the End of the Cold War
Essay - 2586 Words


2586 Words

How did President Reagan help win the Cold War?
Tech Giants: Steve Jobs and Bill Gates
Essay - 2097 Words


2097 Words

What caused the digital technology boom of the 20th century?