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What is MyImpact Challenge?

MyImpact Challenge is a civic engagement contest hosted by the Bill of Rights Institute.

What is a Civic Engagement Contest?

Our civic engagement contest highlights students actively engaged in service, volunteerism, or entrepreneurship in their communities.

Who can Apply?

Submission is open to students ages 13-19 in all U.S. states, territories, and Armed Forces Schools Abroad.

When does the Contest Close?

The contest is open until May 18, 2025, 11:59pm. All complete applications are judged and winners are awarded cash prizes!

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The MyImpact Challenge is donor-supported. We want to thank our individual, foundation, and corporate donors.

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Huddle Up partners with more than 1,000 schools to deliver IEP and 504 Plan related therapy services including Speech, Occupational and Mental Health Therapy, and School Psychology in all 50 States. Huddle Up can also provide schoolwide Mental Health Services to support entire student populations.

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Scholarship GPS is dedicated to educating students and families on how to obtain a college degree without student loan debt. Scholarship GPS offers courses and coaching to guide students and parents through the process of finding the best scholarships and provides tips, tools, and strategies for creating winning applications.