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What is the Utah MyImpact Challenge?

The Utah MyImpact Challenge is a state civic engagement contest and civics fair hosted in Utah by the Bill of Rights Institute and the Utah Valley University Center for Constitutional Studies. On April 29th, 2025 students will have an opportunity to share their projects in-person during the Civics Fair for a chance to win $2,000 in prizes for students in Utah.


Students can win:

  • $2,000 Utah First Prize
  • $1,500 Utah Second Prize
  • $1,000 Utah Third prize
  • $500 Utah Fourth Prize

What is a Civic Engagement Contest?

Our civic engagement contest highlights students actively engaged in service, volunteerism, or entrepreneurship in their communities.


Students who enter the Utah MyImpact Challenge will also be eligible to for the Bill of Right's Institute's National MyImpact Challenge contest. The national contest is an opportunity to win an additional $40,000 in prizes for students and teachers - including a $10,000 grand prize for the top student project in the country.

Who can Apply?

Submissions are open to state-based students ages 13-19. Entry into the Utah MyImpact Challenge State Civics Fair grants automatic entry into the National MyImpact Challenge contest.

When does the Utah Contest Close?

The Utah contest is open until April 20, 2025, 11:59pm. All complete applications are judged and winners are awarded cash prizes!

Attend the Civics Fair & WIN prizes!

All Utah-based entries will be invited to exhibit their projects in-person on April 29, 2025!


Complete your Utah MyImpact Challenge application using BRI’s contest portal by April 20, 2025, RSVP to share your project in-person at a Civics Fair.

To Apply, Students Must Submit:

Click the icons above to learn more about creating the principles essay, project report, and multimedia documentation for your project.

Project Report

Community Impact
Clearly demonstrates a meaningful impact on the community. At least two examples of meaningful impact should be demonstrated.
20 points
Content includes five required components: project inspiration, project plan, details of the project execution, two examples of the project’s impact on a community of which the student is a part.
10 points
Knowledge Gained
Clearly explains several ways in which the student grew in understanding of the role of Civic Virtue, knowledge of their communities, and their ability to support or impact them.
10 points
Shows a large amount of original thought. Ideas are creative and inventive.
10 points
Content well organized, coherent, logical, and generally free of spelling and grammatical errors.
10 points
60 points

Principles Essay

Coherent, logical, and persuasive writing that is generally free of spelling and grammatical errors.
10 points
Founding Principle
Clearly articulates at least one Founding Principle motivating the project as defined in the Bill of Rights Institute's Principles and Virtues.
10 points
Civic Virtue
Clearly articulates at least one Civic Virtue motivating the project as defined in the Bill of Rights Institute's Principles and Virtues.
10 points
30 points

Visual Documentation/Multimedia

Completion and Appropriateness
Photographs and/or video conformed to the submission guidelines and were appropriate.
2 points
Photographs enhanced understanding of the project.
4 points
Photographs and/or video demonstrated the impact of the project on the community.
4 points
10 points

Enter the Utah MyImpact Challenge State Civics Fair

A Trifold presentation of your project is a visual way to sum up your project essays and report. The main idea is for judges to be able to gather the most pertinent information about your project at a glance!

Keep in mind, trifold judges have not read essays or reports, and they only have 5 minutes to evaluate your project. So, make sure your summaries are clear, CONCISE, and that your layout follows the format.

Your trifold will be judged based on content and visual appeal and will account for 1/3 of your final project score.

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Utah MyImpact Challenge Sponsors

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