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Origins and Purposes of the Bill of Rights Viewing Guide

Access our Homework Help video on the Origins and Purposes of the Bill of Rights and use our viewing guide below to follow along!

Overview: Documents protecting individual rights had a long tradition in England and heavily influenced the Founders. What exactly were these documents, and why did the Founders believe a Bill of Rights to be so important?

  1. What is the purpose of a bill of rights?
  2. British declarations of rights such as the Magna Carta heavily influenced the Founders. What were some rights that these documents protected?
  3. Why did Federalists oppose adding a Bill of Rights to the Constitution?
  4. Who led the fight for adding the Bill of Rights to the Constitution?
  5. What did the Supreme Court decide in Barron v. Baltimore (1833)?
  6. What did the principle of incorporation do regarding the rights of Americans?

Access the answer key to this viewing guide here.

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