Constitution Day Live 2021
9 items

Constitution Day Live 2021 | Liberty & Equality
268 Min
How do liberty and equality interact in the Constitution? On Friday, September 17th from 10:30 AM to 3:00 PM ET, the Bill of Rights Institute streamed this live event and welcomed scholars, thinkers, and teachers to explore the relevancy of the Constitution today. How can we work to balance liberty and equality in our communities? Where do tensions arise between the two principles, and what tools from the Constitution can we use to work toward resolution?
10:30 AM ET/7:30 AM PT: Opening with Dr. David Bobb, President of the Bill of Rights Institute.
11:00 AM ET/8:00 AM PT: BRIdge from the Past with Jeremy Ray, Director of Interpretation at George Washington's Mount Vernon. 11:40 AM ET/8:40 AM PT: Teaching Today with Victor Harris, Department Chair and Teacher, Sycamore Junior High School Cincinnati, Ohio.
12:00 PM ET/9:00 AM PT: Close Read with Anastasia Boden, practicing Constitutional lawyer at the Pacific Legal Foundation.
12:40 PM ET/9:40 AM PT: Teaching Today with Kathy Hagee, James Madison Fellow, Teacher at San Domenico School in San Anselmo, California.
12:50 PM ET/9:50 AM PT: Teaching Today with Cynthia Bader, 4th grade teacher, National Cathedral School, Washington, DC.
1:00 PM ET/10:00 AM PT: Scholar Talk with Carol Berkin, distinguished historian, author, and expert on the American Revolution and women’s history.
2:00 PM ET/11:00 AM PT: Fabric of History with Nick Capodice, co-host and Education Outreach Producer for the podcast, Civics 101.
3:00 PM ET/12:00 PM PT: Closing with BRI Staff.
268 Min

Liberty & Equality in the American Founding with Carol Berkin | BRI’s #ConstitutionDayLive
30 Min
How did the Founders understand the principles of liberty and equality? Join us for Constitution Day as BRI Senior Teaching Fellow Tony Williams sits down with Professor Carol Berkin, distinguished historian, author, and expert on the American Revolution and women’s history, to explore the history of these principles during the Founding. How did the American Founding create a government and a civil society based upon the principles of liberty and equality? In what ways did the country fail to achieve the ideals and aspirations of liberty and equality for all Americans?
30 Min

Liberty & Equality in the American Founding with Carol Berkin Viewing Guide
In this special episode of Scholar Talks we explore how the Founders understood the principles of liberty and equality. BRI Senior Teaching Fellow Tony Williams sits down with Dr. Carol Berkin, distinguished historian, author, and expert on the American Revolution and women’s history, to explore the history of these principles during the Founding.

Why Does the Constitution Matter? with Anastasia Boden | BRI’s #ConstitutionDayLive
20 Min
Why does the Constitution matter? In this special edition of Primary Source Close Reads, Kirk Higgins is joined by Anastasia Boden, practicing Constitutional lawyer at the Pacific Legal Foundation, to discuss the 9th and 14th Amendments to the United States Constitution. How have they been interpreted and used in Supreme Court decisions? Why are these Amendments--and the Constitution as a whole—so important to us today?
20 Min

Why Does the Constitution Matter? with Anastasia Boden Viewing Guide
Why does the Constitution matter? In this special edition of Primary Source Close Reads, Kirk Higgins is joined by Anastasia Boden, practicing Constitutional lawyer at the Pacific Legal Foundation, to discuss the 9th and 14th Amendments to the United States Constitution. How have they been interpreted and used in Supreme Court decisions? Why are these Amendments—and the Constitution as a whole—so important to us today?

Slavery at Mount Vernon: Grappling with Our Founding’s Complex Story | BRIdge from the Past
15 Min
How can we talk about founding principles of liberty and equality without accounting for slavery? To explore this question, Mary went to George Washington’s Mount Vernon just outside of Washington, DC, and spoke with Director of Interpretation, Jeremy Ray. What does the design of the Greenhouse Slave Quarters reveal about the two sides of the plantation: the ornamental, public-facing greenhouse side and the functional, behind-the-scenes side where the people held in bondage lived? How can visiting historical places like Mount Vernon help us grapple with our complex story?
15 Min

Slavery at Mount Vernon: Grappling with Our Founding’s Complex Story Viewing Guide
In this special episode of BRIdge from the Past, Mary visits George Washington’s Mount Vernon to talk with Director of Interpretation Jeremy Ray about the complex history of slavery in Washington’s world. How can we talk about founding principles of liberty and equality without accounting for slavery? How can visiting historical places like Mount Vernon help us grapple with this complex story?

School, Students, & Speech: A Constitution Day Special w/ Civics 101’s Nick Capodice
Do your rights end at the schoolhouse door? In a special episode of Fabric of History, Mary and Gary are joined by Nick Capodice, co-host and Education Outreach Producer for Civics 101, the podcast refresher course on the basics of how democracy works. What do the decisions of cases like Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L. teach us about the relationship between students’ rights and schools’ ability to enforce protocol? And what exactly is the difference between on-campus and off-campus speech?
Listening Guide: https://bit.ly/CDLpodcast

School, Students, and Speech: A Constitution Day Special with Civics 101’s Nick Capodice Viewing Guide
In this special episode of the FaBRIc of History, Mary and Gary are joined by Nick Capodice of the podcast Civics 101 to discuss how a recent Supreme Court ruling in the case Mahanoy v. B.L affects student rights in school, specifically student speech.