Allison Chaney
Washington High School • Washington, Missouri
Allison Chaney’s proudest moment as a teacher comes every single day when she witnesses her students’ excitement for learning. It reminds her of the investment her own teachers made in her education.
Chaney teaches AP Government and Politics, Geography, and U.S. History at Washington High School in Washington, Mo., and she holds a bachelor’s degree in history and a master’s degree in educational administration.
Chaney enjoys using the Bill of Rights Institute’s Supreme Court Document-Based Questions (DBQs) in her classroom, because “they are great for teaching my students about the cases and having them play an active role in deliberating the decisions,” she said.
Pursuing a career in teaching began for Chaney when she was a teenager because “I loved learning and wanted to make a career out of it,” she said. She added that Harriet Tubman is one of her favorite historical figures and said “she is inspiring for many reasons.”
A 10-year veteran of the classroom, Chaney also mentioned she traveled to more than 15 countries.