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MyImpact Challenge: Identifying Your Problem

Lesson One – Identifying Your Problem

What communities are you a part of? A school? A town? A club? How have these groups shaped your lives, and what challenges to they face?  

In this lesson, you’ll answer those questions is the first step to building a project where you can have maximum impact. 


  • Identify the purpose of the MyImpact Challenge project.
  • Evaluate issues impacting your local community.
  • Identify a primary issue on which to focus your project.

Student Materials:

Check out our other lessons at the links below: 

Lesson Two – Defining Citizenship 

Lesson Three – Government and Community

Lesson Four – Charity and Community

Lesson Five – Entrepreneurship and Community

Lesson Six – Finalizing Your Project

Next Lesson

MyImpact Challenge: Defining Citizenship