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Understanding Prosperity Through Government Roles and Freedom of Speech Student Guide

How does free speech impact economic prosperity?

How does a marketplace of ideas support prosperity? 

In this activity, you will…
  • define key terms: prosperity, economy, supply, demand, market
  • explain the relationship between supply and demand and competition.
  • explain the connection between the principles of freedom of speech, a free society and economic prosperity.
  • explain the role of innovation in generating prosperity


Directions: As you watch the Prosperity video, think about what prosperity means or looks like to you or how it might be achieved.


Directions: As you watch the Economy video, consider ways that you tell the economy what you want in a typical week


Directions: As you watch the Freedom of Speech video, consider how allowing people to freely express their thoughts and ideas leads to greater prosperity for all.


Directions: What do you think Holmes meant that the test of truth is the power of the thought to be accepted in the competition of the market? How does this quote relate to the video on Freedom of Speech and the excerpt of the First Amendment on freedom of speech?


Directions: After reading your article on Tesla, answer the following questions.

Article title


How has Tesla innovated to bring about greater prosperity?


How is this an example of an idea entering the “marketplace of ideas”?


Are there any negative consequences of Tesla’s innovations? Explain your answer.



Directions: After reading your article on the internet, answer the following questions.

Article title


How has the internet and its innovations brought about greater prosperity?


How is this an example of an idea entering the “marketplace of ideas”?


Are there any negative consequences of the internet and its innovations? Explain your answer.



Assess & Reflect: 

Directions: Respond to the following question through a written response to debrief on the previous activity.

Think of something that is a commonplace in your life (internet, cars, planes, etc.). Imagine living before innovations created this good or service. What would be different about your life? Would you be more or less prosperous without it?


If you were to advise a company, would you encourage them to focus only on making and selling the best product, or to make and sell a great product paired with social causes? Justify your answer. 



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