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Glossary: Paths to Freedom

Glossary terms are listed in the order in which they appear.

Execrations Something that is detested or hated.
Standard Flag or side one supports in a conflict.
Forfeiture Loss
Rebel Patriot fighting the British.
Rebel Standard Patriot flag or side of the fight.
Valet A personal male servant responsible for clothing and appearance.
Mulatto A person of mixed Black and white race.
Victuals [food] and clothes he has been accustomed to receive By law, enslaved were required to receive food and clothing from their slaveholders.
Chuses Chooses
Aforesaid As discussed above
Emancipated Freed
Bondage Enslavement
Lord Cornwallis Charles Cornwallis, a British general who surrendered in 1781 to a combined American and French force at the siege of Yorktown during the American Revolutionary War.
Marquiss Lafayette Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Layfayette, a French aristocrat, ally, and military leader during the American Revolutionary War.
Inclosures Enclosed documents or attachments to the petition.
Annexed Attached or included with this petition
Intreats Entreats or asks
Execrations Something that is detested or hated.
Standard Flag or side one supports in a conflict.
Forfeiture Loss
Rebel Patriot fighting the British.

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