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Vision and Mission


The Bill of Rights Institute seeks an America where we more perfectly realize the promise of liberty and equality expressed in the Declaration of Independence. This calls for civic education that helps students examine the story of our country and exercise the skills of citizenship.


The Bill of Rights Institute teaches civics. We equip students and teachers to live the ideals of a free and just society.

BRI Promise

When educators or students use Bill of Rights Institute's curricula or attend a BRI educational program, they can know exactly what to expect. That is because all Bill of Rights Institute educational resources and programs are developed in strict adherence to the BRI Promise.

The Bill of Rights Institute promises to:  

  1. uphold strict standards of academic integrity
  2. teach America’s Founding principles
  3. tell our whole history—including when we lived up to our ideals and when we fall short
  4. advance an understanding of government that is constitutionally-limited and just
  5. cultivate moral and civic virtues that make strong individual character
  6. foster civility and mutual respect
  7. promote curiosity, inquiry, and an openness to diverse viewpoints
  8. build independent thinking and reasoning skills
  9. create vibrant learning communities between teachers and parents
  10. prepare students to contribute to society as lifelong learners and engaged citizens

Founding Principles and Virtues

The Founding Principles and Virtues are the core of the Bill of Rights Institute's curricular resources. This focus creates materials that are grounded in fundamental questions and ideas that are essential to understanding history, civics, and government in a free society.

Download Founding Principles                                     Download Virtues & Vices

Founding Principles Graphic
Civic Virtues and Vices Graphic