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Handout K: Focus Questions Answer Key

Student responses will vary; use this as a reference to guide the discussion.

  1. Where have you heard the word “persevere” or “perseverance” before?
    E.g., at home, at school, from coaches encouraging students to continue to pursue a goal
  2. What is the difference between “persistence” and “perseverance”?
    To persist is to continue to work hard and go forward in spite of interference; to persevere is to continue to work hard and go forward steadfastly, despite discouragement, counterinfluences, and opposition. In general, you may say that perseverance involves sticking to a belief or idea (i.e., being steadfast, or loyal), and persistence is sticking to a course of action.
  3. Who are some people who have persevered?
    E.g., athletes who are recovering from an injury; explorers fighting against nature’s forces (Peary, Hillary); scientists discovering a cure (Salk, Curie); historical figures may include: civil rights activists, Revolutionary War patriots (Valley Forge), suffragists, Ghandi, Abraham Lincoln (lost numerous elections before becoming President), and Nelson Mandela
  4. Look at the various goals these people pursued. Are some “better” than others?
    Answers will vary—initiate discussion of personal goals versus altruistic or “higher purpose” goals.
  5. Can dedication to a purpose be bad?
    Students may identify compulsive behaviors—addictions, self-absorption—or evil actions (e.g., Hitler was dedicated to a specific purpose, but his actions were not laudable).
  6. In what areas of your life have you persevered?
    Students will likely emphasize persistence more than perseverance. They may provide answers like: picking myself up when I make a mistake, doing school work, going to my job, getting along with others, maintaining relationships.
  7. Is there a difference between “obstinacy” and “perseverance”?
    An obstinate person is stubborn and unwilling to listen to others while one who perseveres usually takes the opinions of others into account. Obstinacy implies a refusal to acknowledge reality; one who perseveres understands reality and continues to work hard.
  8. For what ideals should we persevere?
    E.g., justice, faith, equality, hope, tolerance, and integrity
  9. Does a persevering person ever give up?
    Answers will vary, but perseverance implies never-ending commitment.
  10. How did the people who participated in the Civil Rights movement persevere?
    Those who fought for civil rights for African Americans persevered by continuing to protest discriminatory laws and practices through protests, marches, boycotts, and taking cases to court.