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Labor Day

5 items

Labor Upheaval, Industrial Organization, and the Rise of the CIO
Essay - 2376 Words


2376 Words

By the end of this section, you will explain how the Great Depression and the New Deal impacted American political, social, and economic life over time.
Workers in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era
Lesson - 6 Activities


6 Activities

180 Min

During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, American workers experienced the convulsions of the industrial revolution. While workers generally made impressive gains in wages over these decades, they often toiled for long hours in dangerous conditions. Workers sought to protect their interests against management by organizing into unions and taking collective action, though with mixed results. Some unions chose utopian or violent solutions which usually failed to achieve the results attained by a more business-like approach. Prior to the twentieth century, these efforts to organize workers faced determined opposition and had little success. However, support for the labor movement grew following 1900, and this support was reflected in the actions of all three branches of both state and national government.
180 Min
The Art of Protest: The United Farm Workers and the Delano Grape Strike | BRIdge from the Past


11 Min

What do images tell us about the role of protest in creating change? Using the logo for the United Farm Workers as a point of departure, Mary explores one of the most famous strikes in U.S. history, the Delano Grape Strike.
11 Min
Lewis Hine, Photographs Documenting Child Labor, 1908


40 Min

Use this primary source imagery to analyze major events in history.
A mob of people hold clubs and crowd around a building.
The Homestead Strike
Essay - 2602 Words


2602 Words

Why did unions and management battle each other in the 1890s?