First Amendment
12 items

Freedom of the Press | BRI’s Homework Help Series
6 Min
What do you think of when you hear the words "free press"? The Founders believed the freedom of the press was an important bulwark in a free society. Learn more about the history of the First Amendment as well as some landmark Supreme Court cases involving press freedom with this Homework Help video.
6 Min

Freedom of Assembly | BRI’s Homework Help Series
6 Min
Why is the freedom of assembly an essential right in a free society? Our Homework Help video explores why the Founders included it in the 1st Amendment as well as the landmark Supreme Court cases involving it. Supreme Court cases arguing freedom of assembly debate the protections of the 14th Amendment. Although the Bill of Rights was initially limited to the federal government, incorporation also allows states to be culpable of the protections in the Bill of Rights.
6 Min

Free Speech | BRI’s Homework Help Series
7 Min
Why is the freedom of speech a bedrock principle in American society? In this Homework Help video, we explore the history of freedom of speech in the United States.
7 Min

The Establishment Clause | BRI’s Homework Help Series
9 Min
What is the proper relationship between church and state? In this Homework Help video, we analyze this question by reviewing the history behind the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment as well as how the Supreme Court has interpreted its meaning.
9 Min

Freedom of Speech: General
E Lesson
E Lesson
5 Min
This eLesson features Supreme Court cases that impacted freedom of speech, including a link to Oyez to learn more.

Freedom of Petition
E Lesson
E Lesson
20 Min
This eLesson features Supreme Court cases that impacted freedom of petition, including a link to Oyez to learn more.

Freedom of the Press
E Lesson
E Lesson
20 Min
Explore various landmark court cases where the right to a free press was tested. Freedom of the Press is essential to the maintenance of free government and is guaranteed by the first amendment. Learn more about this right in the cases below.

The Constitution, the First Amendment, and Religious Liberty
Lesson - 5 Activities
5 Activities
40 Min
How did leading Founders and religious dissenters contribute to religious liberty in America? Analyze primary source documents concerning the relationship between church and state, assess arguments for and against an established religion and a public role for religion in civic life and gain an appreciation for the philosophical and political process of the American experiment in religious liberty.
40 Min

Religious Liberty and the Supreme Court
Lesson - 4 Activities
4 Activities
50 Min
How did the doctrine of incorporation broaden the application of the First Amendment? Examine facts of landmark Establishment Clause Supreme Court cases, evaluate arguments about the scope of the Establishment Clause, and assess the Supreme Court's interpretations of the First Amendment with respect to religion in public schools.
50 Min

Religious Toleration and Religious Liberty
Lesson - 5 Activities
5 Activities
35 Min
How did religious toleration evolve to religious liberty in the United States? Examine the difference between the two, analyze documents concerning both, and evaluate the significance of this change.
35 Min

Religious Liberty: The American Experiment
E Lesson
E Lesson
20 Min
Religious Liberty: Landmark Supreme Cases
George Washington’s Letter to the Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Island
Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom
James Madison’s Memorial and Remonstrance