Tiffany Mai
Pasadena, California • Class of 2020
Tiffany Mai, a senior from South Pasadena High School in California, boasts a broad array of talents and interests. For one, Tiffany is particularly fond of history in general, a passion that is reflected in her membership in BRI’s student network. On top of this passion, Tiffany enjoys science, art, and more, as she loves painting, photography, and doing yoga in her spare time.
Beyond these academic interests and artistic hobbies, Tiffany is also an avid golfer and, as part of the TASSEL organization, she volunteers as a grammar teacher for Cambodian children. Unsurprisingly, given her enthusiasm for learning, Tiffany cites her teachers as her greatest influences in life. As an engaged voter, Tiffany references “equality for all” as a major political priority for her, and she specifically lists climate change, women’s rights, and criminal justice reform as the three issues she cares about most. In the future, she hopes to become an ecologist and travel abroad.