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Stephanie Walsh


Community College of Aurora • Aurora, Colorado

As an adjunct professor at the Community College of Aurora, Colorado, Stephanie Walsh has the unique opportunity to teach university-level classes to her Rangeview High School students for college credit. Stephanie is proud of what her students accomplish, both in and out of school. “Once my students leave my classroom,” says Stephanie, “they have the skills not only to contribute to our great society but also to be active and effective citizens in their communities.”

Stephanie has won several awards, including the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution “Outstanding Teacher” award and the Colorado Council for Social Studies “Colorado Civic Educator of the Year” award. Both recognize Stephanie’s teaching excellence. However, Stephanie claims that her job is to simply “invoke critical thinking about today’s American way of life.” She adds, “The only way to continue to move forward as a nation is to have an educated public that understands our past, recognizes our mistakes, and looks forward to the future.”