Brandon Barger
Brandon decided he wanted to be a high school history teacher when he was a high school student. Today, Brandon is an economics and American history teacher in Rose Hill, Kansas. He has been teaching for 19 years, during which he has been a regular attendee at BRI one-day and multi-day PD programming. He has also recommended our Constitutional Academy (BRI’s summer student program) to a number of his students.
As a regular attendee at BRI programming, Brandon has seen to most of BRI’s resources first hand, but his favorite BRI resource is Documents of Freedom. He says its “primary source documents are my first go to when looking for resources in my classroom. They fit so easily into my plans and have great course content”. He appreciates that most of the material he receives from the Institute is immediately useful in his classroom.
Thomas Jefferson and WWII are the two favorite parts of his curriculum. He admires Jefferson for writing the Declaration of Independence and enjoys talking about all its complexities with his students. He also notes he is very jealous of Jefferson’s library. WWII is also a favorite topic and he highly recommends the WWII museum in Kansas City to other educators.