Building on the popularity of the Bill of Rights Institute's Being an American resource, this updated version will provide scaffolded support for ESL students.
The lessons will include modifications for ESL classrooms and learners. This resource will take students through the Founding documents including the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, and provide tools for primary source analysis, individual writing assignments, and classroom discussion. Students can "connect the dots" by applying what they learn through studying these documents to civic values, American heroes, and exploring the meaning of citizenship.
Lesson plan features will include warm-ups, classroom activities, background essays, homework assignments, extensions, handouts, suggested modifications, vocabulary glossaries, and Founding principle connections.
Pilot Testimonials
"I really liked how it tied the ideas of the Declaration of Independence to the Constitution. Students often have trouble with this concept. This lesson really helped bridge that gap." Lona, Pilot Test Teacher from Wyoming
"The concept of the lesson by nature connects with a variety of learners. Analytical thinkers dive into the reading selections. The group aspect supports discussion, while the creation of students' own picture frames loops in creativity. My students very much enjoyed the conversation about the importance of the frame versus that of the picture [in the lesson about the Constitution]. In addition, the sharing of a favorite picture from home tied in a little SEL sharing opportunity. " - Kim, Pilot Test Teacher from Virginia
"I think that it provides some really good scaffolding for students who may not remember some very abstract concepts. The essay was written well and at a level that they could focus on content not writing style...This is exactly what students need to be more civically engaged: background knowledge, and then be able to apply it." Brandon, Pilot Test Teacher from Missouri