Is a Taco a Sandwich? Building Civil Discourse in the Classroom
Essential Questions:
- Is a taco a sandwich?
- How can we disagree with each other in a civil manner?
- Students will learn about the Quintana v. Fort Wayne Plan Commission case
- Students will engage in civil discourse on a “low-stakes” topic
Is a taco a sandwich? A court recently addressed this question in a case involving what types of restaurants a commercial property owner could run on his land. The topic raises challenging questions around the relationship between our legal system and linguistics.
Begin class by posing a hypothetical situation to students: An alien has landed on Earth and asks about a word he has heard frequently. He would like you to describe a sandwich. How would you do so for someone who has no idea what it is?
Write the words your students give you on the board.
Have students read Handout A: Quintana v. Fort Wayne Plan Commission Reading. Address any questions students may have about the case.
Lead a student debate over the question: is a taco a sandwich? Have students split into two groups based off their opinion on the question. They should brainstorm briefly on how they will present their case to the other side in a debate. Before students debate, remind them that this is a chance for them to exercise civil discourse on a topic. Use the following to reiterate what civil discourse looks like.
- Students should be respectful of views they disagree with
- Focus on listening to understand, rather than just to respond to make your point
- Ask questions to make the other side feel heard
Use the following to help guide the debate.
- What constitutes a sandwich?
- How much of a role should the common definition of a sandwich play in legal cases like this?
- Should judges rely on common definitions when considering cases like this? Or do they need to use a different standard?
Once finished, have students switch sides and argue the side they initially disagreed with.
Assess and Reflect
When finished, have students answer the following questions. Have a few students share their responses.
- Did you initially think that a taco was a sandwich?
- Did your opinion change after debating and arguing in favor of the other side? Why or why not?
- What value did you find in engaging in civil discourse on this topic?