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Understanding Prosperity Through Scarcity, Price, and Economy Glossary

Term Definition In My Words… Image
Prosperity Includes money, possessions, opportunities available, your health and wellness, how others treat you, and the freedom to make your own decisions.
Economy The system through which scarce goods and services are dispersed based off supply and demand.
Law of Supply Economic principle that more will be offered when selling goods and services at a higher price than at a lower price.
Law of Demand Economic principle that more will be demanded at lower prices and less at higher prices.
Supply Amount of a product or service a producer or seller would be willing and able to sell over a range of prices at any given time.
Demand Combination of quantities that people are willing and able to buy over a range of prices at any given time.
Scarcity Fundamental economic problem facing all economies, resulting from limited resources not being able to meet people’s unlimited wants.
Shortage Quantity supplied is less than quantity demanded at a given price.
Surplus Quantity supplied is greater than quantity demanded at a given price.
Price Ceiling The highest legal price that can be charged for a good or service.
Price Floor The lowest legal price that can be charged for a good or service.
Equilibrium The price in which quantity supplied equals quantity demanded.
Market Where buyers and sellers interact to determine price and quantity demanded and supplied of a good or service.
Benevolence The quality of being well meaning, kindness, generous.

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