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Student Final Project Handout

What progress has been made across time in the fight for realizing Founding principles of liberty, equality, and justice for African Americans? What work must still be done?

  • I can compare movements for liberty, equality, and justice for African Americans over time.
  • I can research historical issues and share my research in a compelling way.
  • I can reflect on the shared responsibility to realize Founding principles of liberty, equality, and justice for all.

Across this resource, you have read the words of men and women who have been a part of a larger dialogue on the meaning of liberty, equality, and justice. For the final assessment, you may choose a group, individual, policy or legislation, or Supreme Court case not studied in the preceding lessons, OR a topic to explore further, and develop a project to educate your peers on the following driving question: What progress has been made across time in the fight for realizing Founding principles of liberty, equality, and justice for African Americans? What work must still be done?

To complete this project, you will do the following:

  1. Brainstorm possible topics.
  2. Submit a topic proposal sheet and receive approval.
  3. Research the topic and prepare your project. Your project should be something that will educate others. This could take the form of a PowerPoint, Prezi, poster, video, brochure, or creative product. Do you like music? Consider sharing what you learned in a song. Do you like creative writing? Consider creating a poem or short story. Are you artistic? Create a painting or an annotated drawing. Whatever form it takes, your project should clearly connect to the driving question, show the high quality of your research, and clearly communicate key ideas from your research to your audience.
  4. Share what you have learned with the class in a presentation of your project.
  5. Complete a final reflection after presenting your project. Your final reflection should answer the following questions:
    1. What were the most important lessons you learned in undertaking this project?
    2. How does this project live up to the responsibility of American democracy to continue the work of realizing Founding principles of liberty, equality, and justice for all?

Brainstorm Topics

Consider what you learned from across this resource that was interesting to you. What do you want to learn more about? What sparked your interest? What connections to the present day can you make from what you learned? Use the space below to brainstorm possible topics. When you have chosen your topic, complete and submit the topic proposal sheet below.

Topic Proposal Sheet

Name(s): ____________________________________________________________________

Topic: ______________________________________________________________________

Why is this topic meaningful to you?



How does it relate to the driving question: What progress has been made across time in the fight for realizing Founding principles of liberty, equality, and justice for African Americans? What work must still be done?



What resources can be used for your research?



Proposed project to educate the audience (examples include, but are not limited to, a speech, podcast, poster, research paper, artistic work, or website):



Teacher Approval: ___________________________________________________________