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Party Favors Card Game

A team-based wordplay communication game that challenges delegates to interpret constituent and private interest in a way that keeps them happy. Players ultimately must negotiate while competing to draft the most effective bills for their side. Failing to do so will result in getting voted out of office. 

Guiding Question: 

  • How do the dynamics of representation, negotiation, and competing interests shape the legislative process in a democratic system? 


  • Analyze the role of elected representatives in interpreting and advocating for constituent interests.  
  • Demonstrate understanding of how special interests can influence the legislative process. 
  • Analyze the tension between balancing diverse constituent needs with party goals in a representative democracy. 
  • Demonstrate understanding of the negotiation and compromise involved in bill drafting and ratification. 
  • Examine the concept of political accountability through the game’s election and re-election mechanics. 
  • Evaluate the importance of coalition-building and consensus-reaching in a divided government. 
  • Assess the role of compromise in effective governance. 

About the Game: 

A team-based wordplay communication game that challenges delegates to interpret constituent and private interest in a way that keeps them happy. Representative government relies on a responsive individual to advocate for their community’s needs and pass legislation that can help. Players ultimately must negotiate while competing to draft the most effective bills for their side. Failing to do so will result in getting voted out of office. 

Number of Players: 4-20 Players
Game Time: 10-30 min
Game Play: Team vs Team (with 1 vs 1)

Download the Print-and-Play Version of the Game

Post-play Discussion and Reflection 

  • How did the game reflect real-world challenges in the legislative process? What aspects felt most realistic? 
  • Discuss the dynamics between party representatives and their constituents. How did this mirror or differ from real-world political representation? 
  • For those who played as Delegates, what strategies did you use to balance the diverse needs of your constituents with your party’s goals? 
  • Reflect on the communication phase. What challenges did you face in conveying complex ideas through drawings? How might this relate to real-world political communication challenges? 
  • How did the scoring system influence your priorities and decisions? How might this relate to how success is measured in real-world politics? 
  • Discuss the concept of compromise in the game. Were there instances where you had to sacrifice some of your goals for the greater good of your party or to pass legislation? 
  • How did the election phases impact the game dynamics? How does this reflect the impact of elections on real-world governance? 
  • Reflect on the wordplay aspect of bill creation. How does this mirror the importance of language and interpretation in real-world legislation? 
  • How did your strategy change over the course of the game? What did you learn about effective representation or negotiation? 
  • How has this game changed your understanding of the complexities involved in the legislative process? 
  • How did the game illustrate the potential conflicts between party loyalty, constituent needs, and personal beliefs? 
  • Reflect on the concept of accountability in the game. How were representatives held accountable, and how does this compare to real-world political accountability? 


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