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Just or Unjust Activity


  • I can reflect on my own ideas on just and unjust actions.  


In your group, fill out the following continuum of justice or injustice. Mark a spot on the continuum where you strongly agree or strongly disagree or somewhere in between.

“It is just for a teacher to allow a student with a sports injury extra days to study for a test.”

Strongly Agree                                                                                                       Strongly Disagree

“It is just for a teacher to give higher grades to students they like.”

Strongly Agree                                                                                                       Strongly Disagree

“It is just for the government to ban TikTok.”

Strongly Agree                                                                                                       Strongly Disagree

“It is just for the United States to have a $15 minimum wage.”

Strongly Agree                                                                                                       Strongly Disagree

“It is just for parents to have control over banning books in school libraries.”

Strongly Agree                                                                                                       Strongly Disagree