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What Kind of Right?


A natural right is a right that comes from our human nature. Humans are born with natural rights and do not need anyone to act on their behalf in order to exercise them. (For this reason they are also called negative rights.) Privileges, on the other hand, are rights conferred by civil society. These may vary through times and places, because, unlike natural rights, they are given by government.


Mark whether each is a natural right, a privilege, or neither.

Life Natural Right Privilege Neither
Self-Defense Natural Right Privilege Neither
Liberty Natural Right Privilege Neither
Driving Natural Right Privilege Neither
Freedom of religion Natural Right Privilege Neither
Happiness Natural Right Privilege Neither
Serving on a jury Natural Right Privilege Neither
Remaining silent Natural Right Privilege Neither
Holding a parade on public streets Natural Right Privilege Neither
Choosing a line of work Natural Right Privilege Neither
Running for office Natural Right Privilege Neither
Not hearing offensive words Natural Right Privilege Neither
Freedom from unreasonable searches Natural Right Privilege Neither
Refusing to purchase certain goods Natural Right Privilege Neither
Shouting down a controversial speaker Natural Right Privilege Neither