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Graphic Organizer: Campaign Finance

An exploratory activity to help students explain how the financing of national political campaigns affects the election process.

Campaign Finance: Legislation and Supreme Court Decisions 

Does free speech include how an individual or corporation spends their money? 

  • I can explain how the financing of national political campaigns affects the election process. 

Directions: Complete the chart to identify the goals of two pieces of federal legislation and outcomes of two Supreme Court decisions. Explain how political action committees and superPACs are affected by legislation and Supreme Court decisions. Be sure to use the following words where applicable: 

  • Soft Money
  • Hard Money  
  • Limited Donations
  • Unlimited Donations 
  • Direct Contributions
  • Indirect Contributions 
  • Candidates
  • Free Speech  


Legislation  Goals/Purpose  Supreme Court Decision  Outcome/Decision 
Federal Elections Campaign Act (FECA)     Buckley v. Valeo (1976)   
Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA)    Citizens United v. FEC (2010) 


PACs    SuperPACs