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Evaluation Checklist: Community Project Portfolio

Teacher Directions:

Students plan and carry out a project that contributes to the common good of their community. The portfolio will document student planning and progress. All materials should be completed neatly, with extra pages inserted as needed following each of the corresponding handouts. Students should prepare brief presentations describing their work for the school and community audiences.

☐ Portfolio Table of Contents

☐ Students brainstorm to select a project. (Handout A: Carrie Chapman Catt: Act!)

☐ Students organize and narrow down their specific objectives, naming a community difficulty, one or more      virtues, and specific actions they will carry out. (Handout B: Solution Statements collected in an envelope)

☐ Students model their process on the experience and activities of suffragists to carry out community
change within a constitutional system. (Handout C: Project Pathway)

☐ Students document research identifying the causes and effects of the problem selected. (Handout D: Gathering the Knowledge)

☐ Students demonstrate collaboration by dividing the work among all group members based on comparative advantage and set timelines for internal accountability. (Handout D: Gathering the Knowledge)

☐ Students articulate a goal that is clear, measurable, and achievable. (Handout E: Identifying the Stakeholders)

☐ Students identify who in their community are the best resources for information, background, and support. (Handout E: Identifying the Stakeholders)

☐ Students interview stakeholders to research background of the issue and to accumulate expert information. (Handout F: Interviewing the Experts; include original interview notes).

☐ Students develop an implementation plan. (Handout G: Planning the Work)

☐ Students document specific tasks planned and implemented. (Handout H: Doing and Documenting the Work, along with photos, videos, and/or narratives).

☐ Students reflect and evaluate their work. (Handout I: Reflecting and Evaluating the Work)

☐ Bibliography of in-person interviews, printed, and online sources consulted.