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Duties and Responsibilities of U.S. Citizens Scenarios

Scenario activity that depicts various situations involving civic duties.  

Duties and Responsibilities of U.S. Citizens Scenarios

Scenario 1: Voting in Local Elections 

  • Situation: You are 18 years old and a local election is coming up. The issues at stake include funding for schools and local parks, but you have a busy schedule and aren’t sure if you have time to research the candidates or vote. 
  • Question: Discuss the importance of voting in this scenario. What might be the consequences of not voting for you and your community? 

Scenario 2: Jury Duty 

  • Situation: You receive a jury duty summons in the middle of a crucial week at school or work, where you have several major tests, events, or project deadlines. 
  • Question: What are your options? Discuss the importance of serving on a jury and how you might handle this situation.  

Scenario 3: Paying Taxes 

  • Situation: You’ve just started your first part-time job and noticed that a portion of your paycheck is deducted for taxes. You learn that this money goes towards public services like roads, emergency services, and education. 
  • Question: Why is it important to pay taxes, and how does it affect the community around you? Discuss your feelings about seeing a portion of your earnings taken for taxes. 

Scenario 4: Obeying the Law 

  • Situation: Your friends are planning to sneak into a movie theater without paying. They are encouraging you to join and insist that it’s a harmless act. 
  • Question: Discuss the implications of obeying the law in this scenario. What are the potential consequences of going along with your friends? 

Scenario 5: Registering for Selective Service 

  • Situation: You are a 17-year-old male and your 18th birthday is coming up. You’ve received information about registering for Selective Service, which is mandatory for all male citizens upon turning 18. 
  • Question: Discuss why you think this registration is required. Explain the significance of this registration beyond mere legal compliance. Discuss the broader implications for society if individuals fail to fulfill this obligation.