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Colonial Era Reading for Elementary Students

Informational texts to help students understand the earliest British settlements in America.

Option A

Lexile: 980
Word Count: 571
Vocabulary: courageous, vastly, sickness, settler, tricky, trader, unhappy, hunger, continent, clever

Long ago, there were many Native American tribes in North America. Some were very powerful and had big towns. But then, people from Spain on the continent of Europe came to the land. They brought new diseases and caused a lot of problems for the Native Americans. These Native Americans and the Europeans had vastly different weapons, religions, and values. The Native American tribes had to have a lot of courage to meet and work with new people.

Later on, more settlers from Europe came to America, this time from the nation of England. The English settlers had the courage to travel across the ocean and establish a colony. They faced challenges in their new place. One man named John Smith worked for the Virginia Company of London and saw settling in America as a good business move. He settled in Jamestown 1607 with about 100 other men. The Jamestown settlers created the first permanent English settlement in North America. They also created the first representative government in North America.

John Smith helped the settlers survive in a new and tough place. They had to have a lot of courage to survive in the new and difficult place. The men who settled Jamestown lived under harsh laws and did not own property, so they did not want to work. This led to hunger and sickness for the men when they lacked food.

The Jamestown settlers also did not get along very well with the Powhatan Confederacy or Tsenacommacah [sena-co-MAH-ka], which was a group of Native American tribes who lived on the land where Virginia is today. The Powhatan Confederacy was made up of 30 smaller tribes that joined for protection under a strong ruler’s control and to share their resources. This leader was called a Wahunsenacah [Wah- HUN-sen-ah-ka]. The Jamestown settlers and the Powhatan people competed over resources, which made life hard for each of them. They engaged in battles over food and other items and attacked each other frequently.

Map of Virginia by William Hole in 1606 based on the descriptions of Captain John Smith. Notice the depictions of the Native Americans.

Meanwhile, in England, another group of people called the Puritans were unhappy with the Church of England. The Puritans wanted to live somewhere they could follow their own beliefs. The Puritans tried to settle near Jamestown in Virginia, but they ended up farther north than they intended. In what is now Massachusetts, they encountered the Wampanoag [Wamp-a-nog]. This was a Native American tribe lead by a tribal council.

The Puritans founded a new colony called Plymouth. The men of the colony decided to make a promise to follow a set of rules in America and make laws for all to follow. This was called the Mayflower Compact, for the boat it was signed on.

Model of the Mayflower

Unlike in Jamestown, the Puritans of Plymouth had a better relationship with the Wampanoag. Many of the Native Americans helped the Puritans and were friendly to them. Their good relations were seen in celebrating the first Thanksgiving together. Even with help from the Wampanoag, the Puritans still struggled to grow enough food and keep illness from spreading through Plymouth.

Puritans Going to Church. This print shows a couple walking through snow to get to church in their distinctive clothing. He carries a rifle and she carries a book.

So, the Native Americans and the English settlers all had to be very courageous as they faced big changes in their lives. They showed that they were strong and could adapt to new situations, even when things were hard.


Option B

Lexile: 740
Word Count: 212
Vocabulary: unhappy, strict, brave, courage, survival, permanent, settlement, illness, difficulty, celebrate


Long ago, many different Native American groups lived in North America. They had their own towns and ways of living. Then, European people from Spain arrived. They brought diseases and other new problems. The Native Americans and Europeans had different weapons, religions, and values.

Map of Virginia by William Hole in 1606 based on the descriptions of Captain John Smith. Notice the depictions of the Native Americans.

Later, other people began to come to North America. English people made Jamestown in 1607. It was the first permanent English settlement in North America. The men of Jamestown fought with the Native Americans there called the Powhatan [Pow-hat-an] Confederacy. They also faced strict laws and a lack of food. Survival was difficult. John Smith led the men during this hard time. They made a government that represented the people. It was the first in North America.

Model of the Mayflower

Soon after, more English people came. The Puritans were unhappy with the Church of England. They came to America and made a home called Plymouth. They signed the Mayflower Compact. This made rules and laws so they could lead themselves. Plymouth had a better relationship with the Native Americans near them, called the Wampanoag [Wamp-a-nog] They helped the English settlers. The colony faced challenges like illnesses and not enough food. They kept going and celebrated the first Thanksgiving together.

Puritans Going to Church. This print shows a couple walking through snow to get to church in their distinctive clothing. He carries a rifle and she carries a book.

Both Native Americans and English people showed courage. They could change in the face of difficulty.