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Should the Electoral College be Replaced with a National Popular Vote?

47.7% yes
52.3% no

The Electoral College is the body whose task it is to elect the President of the United States. It is the subject of ongoing debate, with some Americans seeing it as a vital part of the nation’s democracy, while others believe it should be replaced with a national popular vote system.  

Supporters of replacing the Electoral College argue that the current system does not always reflect the will of the majority, as it allows for presidents to be elected without winning the popular vote. This side points to recent elections in 2000 and 2016, where the candidate who won in the Electoral College did not win the popular vote, as a violation of the principle of popular sovereignty. They believe a national popular vote would ensure every vote is equally valued, making the process more democratic and representative of the entire population. 

Defenders of the Electoral College contend that it ensures a balance between densely populated urban areas and smaller rural states, preventing any single region from dominating presidential elections. They claim that the Electoral College ensures that states as a whole, no matter their size, maintain influence in our national politics. They also argue that it encourages candidates to campaign across diverse areas of the country rather than focusing solely on populous states or cities.  

What do you think? Should the Electoral College be replaced with a national popular vote? Students can answer: Yes, it should; No, it should not; or provide a nuanced response in between! Be sure to submit your thoughts by February 13 to be considered for this week’s contest.  


Note: Ideal Think the Vote responses include the following:      

  • Address the question asked in a thoughtful and meaningful manner     
  • Use cited facts and constitutional arguments when appropriate to support their answers      
  • Are expressed in cohesive sentences and are free of distracting spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors      
  • They address counterarguments and opposing concerns in a respectful manner      
  • They organize their answer in a manner that flows logically and reads clearly   


For this question, BRI will be giving away two $25 gift cards, one to each person providing the best defense of each side of the debate. Both students will also win BRI swag. Each student winner will also be entered for a chance to win a grand prize of a $1,000 cash scholarship. Additionally, the referring teachers for both students will each win a $25 gift card and BRI swag. 

This question will run from 1/30/25 to 2/13/25, so be sure to submit your answers in time to be considered for our prizes! 

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