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Women’s History Playlist: “Ain’t I a Woman?”

3 items

Sojourner Truth, “Ain’t I a Woman?” 1851


40 Min

Use this primary source text to explore key historical events.
“Ar’nt I a Woman?” Sojourner Truth and the Abolitionist Movement | BRIdge from the Past


10 Min

How can images help us understand the role of African American women in the abolitionist movement? In this episode, Mary explores an image of Sojourner Truth. Born into slavery in New York, she dedicated her life to abolition and equal rights for women and men. How did her famous "Ar'nt I a Woman?" speech convey her life-long commitment to the ideals of liberty and equality? *The source we reviewed used the phrase "Ar'nt I a Woman?" but Sojourner Truth's speech is often also titled "Ain't I a Woman?"
10 Min