Landmark Supreme Court Cases: New York Times Co. v U.S.
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New York Times Co. v. United States | BRI’s Homework Help Series
6 Min
How to best balance liberty and security has been a perennial question throughout U.S. history. This Homework Help video explores how the Supreme Court addressed this question in the landmark case of New York Times Co. v. United States.
6 Min

Reading New York Times Co. v. U.S. Decision Excerpts | A Primary Source Close Read w/ BRI
33 Min
In the midst of the Vietnam War, The New York Times released what the government considered to be highly sensitive information: the Pentagon Papers. In this video, Kirk Higgins and Joshua Schmid explore the Supreme Court case involving this matter, New York Times Company v. United States. How are we to balance the freedom of the press and our national security? To what extent can the government use its power of prior restraint to forcibly silence the press?
33 Min