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Landmark Supreme Court Cases: Wisconsin v Yoder

2 items

Wisconsin v. Yoder | BRI’s Homework Help Series


6 Min

Religious liberty is one of the foundational principles of American society, but how should it be balanced with government interests in an educated citizenry? Our second Homework Help video of the semester is on the landmark case of Wisconsin v. Yoder, and how the Supreme Court dealt with this important question.
6 Min
Reading Wisconsin v. Yoder Decision Excerpts | A Primary Source Close Read w/ BRI


26 Min

Who wins when religious liberty clashes with a government mandate? This was the question when members of the Amish community fought against a perceived infraction on their religious liberty in Wisconsin in 1971. In this Primary Close Read video, Kirk Higgins and Tony Williams explore a fascinating Supreme Court case: Wisconsin v. Yoder. Were members of the Amish community wrong in wanting to stop their children’s participation in public schools past the eighth grade? Was the government overreaching in trying to force parents to violate their religious conscience?
26 Min