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Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon

Korean War Playlist

4 items

Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon
Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, and the War Powers Resolution
Lesson - 5 Activities


5 Activities

95 Min

Beginning in 1812 and for the next hundred years, US Presidents asked for and received congressional declarations of war against England, Mexico, Spain, Japan, and European powers. During the Cold War, President Harry Truman sent troops to Korea as part of a UN force without a congressional declaration of war. President John F. Kennedy sent troops to defend South Vietnam. Congress never declared war, but years later passed the Tonkin Resolution authorizing President Lyndon Johnson to use force against North Vietnam. In reaction to US involvement in Vietnam, Congress passed the War Powers Act which limited the President’s authority to commit American troops abroad without Congress’s approval. The law was passed over the veto of President Richard Nixon, who argued the law was an abridgement of the President’s authority as Commander in Chief. The Act raises the questions: How far does the President’s power as Commander in Chief extend? And, how much of that power can be limited by Congress?
95 Min
Fox Company at the Chosin Reservoir and Self-Sacrifice
Lesson - 1 Activities


1 Activities

45 Min

In this lesson, students will learn about the actions of Fox Company during the Korean War at the battle of the Chosin Reservoir. They will explore how Fox Company’s selfless actions helped to preserve the United States and United Nations forces against massive Chinese assaults. Through this example, they will learn how they can act selflessly in their own lives.
45 Min
The Courage of General Matthew Ridgway
Lesson - 1 Activities


1 Activities

45 Min

In this lesson, students will explore the life of Matthew Ridgway and his role in the Korean War. Students will understand how Matthew Ridgway’s courage helped save the United States’ and United Nations’ forces during the Korean War. Through his example, they will learn how they can use courage in their own lives to accomplish their purpose.
45 Min
Chapter 13: 1945-1960
Unit - 3 Lessons


3 Lessons

Invite students to explore how anti-communist foreign policy, the liberal welfare state, and American cultural values shaped the postwar world from 1945 to 1960.