Economics and Finance
6 items

Saving and Investing
Lesson - 3 Activities
3 Activities
60 Min
If, as individuals, we spend more than we earn, we can go bankrupt. The same is true with nations. If a nation spends on government services more than it takes in from tax revenue, it runs a deficit, and must borrow at interest to get back to even.
60 Min

Taxes and Regulation
Lesson - 3 Activities
3 Activities
In America’s free society, entrepreneurs of many kinds start businesses that create the nation's wealth. The Founders established the federal government in the Constitution, and the American people ratified it to protect the rights and property of its citizens. That meant that national defense, court systems, and political administration all became part of the U.S. government. Therefore, some taxes were necessary to support the limited functions of this new government.

Prices and Value
Lesson - 5 Activities
5 Activities
Prices are created through interactions between sellers and buyers. Supply (sellers) and demand (buyers) is the first, most recognized model in economics. Demand represents the various numbers of items that consumers are willing and able to purchase at a series of different prices at a particular point in time.

Essay: Making Economic Decisions
Essay - 1509 Words
1509 Words
When we hear the term “economics,” we tend to think about ups and downs in the economy as well as graphs mysteriously depicting supply and demand. In reality, economics is vitally important subject because it is the study of making choices. More specifically, it is the study and practice of making choices in a world of limited resources (scarcity). You cannot go for a day without making economic decisions. For this reason, an understanding of economic thought makes you a more successful citizen.

How Economic Systems Work
Lesson - 5 Activities
5 Activities
60 Min
As buyers purchase goods and services, they signal to the producers what ought to be made. If people want to wear pants with farm animal designs, they buy them. Producers have to be observant to anticipate demand. As they see that the stock of cow pants is flying off the shelves, they will create many more of them. Buyers and sellers are able to communicate effectively using just money.
60 Min

Lesson - 4 Activities
4 Activities
60 Min
Philanthropy may be defined as the desire to promote the welfare of society by giving your own money to good causes. Philanthropy is not allocating the money of others, whether through taxes or government programs, to the less fortunate in society. Philanthropy is an action of one individual or one family giving to help others.
60 Min