Civics Connection
9 items
Unit 1 Civics Connection: The Colonial Origins of American Republicanism
Lesson - 3 Activities
3 Activities
80 Min
A review lesson for Unit 1 (1491-1763) that explores the significance of constitutional principles in the context of the events students have studied.
80 Min
Unit 2 Civics Connection: An Apple of Gold in a Frame of Silver
Lesson - 1 Activities
1 Activities
80 Min
A review lesson for Unit 2 (1763-1800) that asks students to evaluate the link between constitutional principles and the content studied.
80 Min
Unit 3 Civics Connection: Liberty and Union
115 Min
A review lesson for Unit 3 (1800-1844) that discusses the different ways that the Founding principles were interpreted during the nation's first fifty years.
Unit 4 Civics Connection: Equality, the Civil War, and Reconstruction
80 Min
A review lesson for Unit 4 (1844-1877) that provides an overview of key events and ideas from the Civil War and Reconstruction Era.
Unit 5 Civics Connection: Civil Rights and Economic Freedom
80 Min
A review lesson for Unit 5 (1877-1898) that asks students to reconsider how constitutional principles were applied during the time period.
Unit 6 Civics Connection: The Role of Government According to the Founders and the Progressives
60 Min
A review lesson for Unit 6 (1898-1945) that will help students review key events of the period related to Foreign Policy and how they connect to Founding principles.
Unit 6 Civics Connection: The Constitution and Foreign Policy, 1898-1945
70 Min
A review lesson for Unit 6 (1898-1945) that will help students review key events of the period related to the role of government and how they connect to Founding principles.
Unit 7 Civics Connection: Modern Liberalism, Limited Government, and Rights
Lesson - 4 Activities
4 Activities
65 Min
A review lesson for Unit 7 (1945-1980) to study changes and continuities in the philosophy of modern liberation.
65 Min
Unit 8 Civics Connection: Civil Discourse and Contentious Issues
65 Min
A review lesson from Unit 8 (1980-Present Day) to discuss current events and how they connect to Founding principles.