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MyImpact Challenge Winner, Family Assist With Maui Wildfires Relief

by Bill of Rights Institute on

The devastating wildfires on the Hawaiian island of Maui resulted in the heartbreaking loss of lives, homes, and businesses, and displaced thousands of residents.

Many Hawaiians rolled up their sleeves to help with relief efforts, as the state grapples with the effects of the deadliest U.S. wildfire in more than a century.

One of the residents pitching in to help is student Rylee Brooke Kamahele from Mililani, Hawaii, who earned the first prize award in the Bill of Rights Institute’s 2023 MyImpact Challenge.

Kamahele is the founder of The Catalyst’s Club, an umbrella of nonprofit organizations that conduct Secret Santa events for local children, help clean up beaches, provide youth leadership training, and much more.

In her MyImpact Challenge submission, Kamahele wrote her goal was to create a “compassionate society where everyone is valued and treated with kindness.”

Kamahele and her family are working alongside state residents to help deliver that compassion and kindness during a time of great need.

Communicating with the Bill of Rights Institute, Kamahele discussed the difficult situation in Hawaii as work remains to deliver relief and account for many residents, including senior citizens and children.

Kamahele is moderating one of several viral social media pages that coordinate with each other to keep the public informed on how to help or get help. Her father also recently took a boat to Maui to help with relief efforts, which often involve other boaters, surfers, jet ski operators, and human chains from shore.

Kamahele said she is “so grateful that we have an incredible community of people” who are banding together to assist.

Kamahele added that residents are maintaining an Instagram page to help provide direct relief to those affected by the wildfires. You can follow that page and learn more about how to help here.