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Understanding Prosperity Through Scarcity, Choices, and Consequences Student Guide

How do prosperous societies differ from unprosperous societies in addressing the issue of scarcity?

Why are individual liberty and limited government important in expanding prosperity?

In this activity, you will…
  • define prosperity, scarcity, and choice.
  • identify the relationship that immediate choices have on life goals.  
  • evaluate examples of choice and prosperity within a variety of governments.


Directions: As you watch the Prosperity video, think about what prosperity means or looks like to you or how it might be achieved.


Directions: As you watch the Scarcity video, consider the following questions:

  • What products do you use in your daily life that would cause difficulty if they became scarce?
  • How would you describe scarcity to a younger student?
  • How would you describe how people or countries deal with scarcity to a younger student?


Directions: For each of the following action scenarios, identify the connection between scarcity, the choices we make, and the consequences of those choices by filling in the empty spaces. Or try and create your own scenarios in the empty lines.

What is Scarce? The Choice Consequence
Time, Motivation I choose not to do homework Failing grade, zero on the assignment, not understanding the concept
I choose to work after school
I choose to buy ___ with my money
Land in New York City
Clean Drinking Water 
Getting an “A” on a test
Being named 11th grade “Citizen of the Week”


Directions: As you watch the Choice video, think about what kinds of economic decisions or choices you make, or what happens when governments make economic choices for you.


Directions: Read through the country descriptions and take notes on each countries’ government’s economic involvement and how it impacts its economy and citizens.

Country Notes

United States India
How involved is the government in the economy?



Impact on economy and/or individuals:



How involved is the government in the economy?



Impact on economy and/or individuals:



Venezuela New Zealand
How involved is the government in the economy?



Impact on economy and/or individuals:



How involved is the government in the economy?



Impact on economy and/or individuals:



Greece Cuba
How involved is the government in the economy?



Impact on economy and/or individuals:



How involved is the government in the economy?



Impact on economy and/or individuals:




Identify principles upon which free societies are based.  Explain the importance of each principle to a free society.


Using the countries you just read about and the principles needed for a free society, create a “Free Society Continuum” illustrating where these countries fall. How do these principles of freedom contribute to prosperity?


How do these principles of freedom contribute to prosperity?


Who benefits from freedoms being restrained?  Why?


Who is harmed from freedoms being restrained?  Why?



Directions: Choose two of the above countries and write an economic scenario of your own.  Choose one of the following situations:

  • Buying goods and services in a new culture
  • Having a job and providing for a family
  • Starting your own business

Each scenario should clearly demonstrate how the level of government involvement influences individual economic decision-making in that country.

Country 1:  Country 2:






Assess & Reflect: 

Directions: Respond to either the Self Reflection or Societal Reflection through a written or recorded response. If you choose to write a response, do so in the provided space. If you record your response, provide a link to it in the provided space.

Self Reflection

Respond to the following questions: What is a goal you have for (this year/semester/after HS)?  

Answer at least two of the provided questions in your response. 

  • What are some choices you make that affect the outcome of this goal?   
  • What outside factors will contribute to the achievement of your goal? 
  • What outside factors will create barriers to achieving your goal?  
  • How will achieving or not achieving your goal impact your prosperity? 

You can respond by writing, or by recording your answer on Flip or another video tool. Be sure to answer in complete sentences.






Societal Reflection

Select a current event from another country.  After reading your current event, apply what you have learned in this lesson by analyzing choices made by individuals and their government, as well as how those choices either have or will affect that country’s prosperity. 

You can respond by writing, or by recording your answer on Flip or another video tool. Be sure to answer in complete sentences.






Additional Activities