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Student Rights Roundup

Tinker v. Des Moines Description: How did a subtle act of protest lead to one of the most important Supreme Court cases concerning student rights? This Homework Help video explores this question. Lesson: Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier Description: Case background and primary source documents concerning the Supreme Court case of Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier. Dealing with the extent of students’ First Amendment rights, this lesson asks students to argue whether or not the First Amendment should protect student speech in public school-sponsored newspapers. Lesson: Student Rights and the Freedom of Expression Description: February 24, 2019 marks the 50-year anniversary of the decision in the landmark Supreme Court case, Tinker v. Des Moines. While that decision established an important precedent concerning students’ free speech rights on school grounds, these same rights continue to be challenged in 21st century American schools. This eLesson asks students to consider what rights students should have to speak and protest both in and out of school. Lesson: Pottawatomie v. Earls  Description: Case background and primary source documents concerning the Supreme Court case of Pottawatomie v. Earls. Dealing with students’ Fourth Amendment protections when in schools, this lesson asks students to assess the Court’s evolving definition of “reasonable” searches with respect to public school students. Lesson: How has Speech Been Both Limited and Expanded, and How Does it Apply to You and Your School?

Description: The Founders meant for the First Amendment to protect a wide array of expressive activities. The Supreme Court, recognizing changes in society and technology, has applied the First Amendment’s protections in some ways that are broader than ever. Student speech in public schools, however, poses unique questions. This lesson will help students to understand the operation of the First Amendment in both their school and in the wider context of society, and it will help foster students’ appreciation of their rights, preparing them for responsible and effective participation in their school, community, and nation.